Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Substance Abuse Treatment in Juvenile Arrestees Essay Example Essay Example

Substance Abuse Treatment in Juvenile Arrestees Essay Example Paper Substance Abuse Treatment in Juvenile Arrestees Essay Introduction This research paper has been compiled through collection of data from various sources about the extent of substance abuse and treatment required for juvenile trustees. The contribution of the Department of Health and Human Services and the output of the Healthy People 2010 campaign on the health concern, health promotion and prevention initiatives have been explored. The past successes, failures and plan that address substance abuse and juvenile arrestees have been analyzed. The departments approach and efforts address the identified health concern have been included in the paper and the appropriate recommendations acted. Introduction The process of educating young people extends beyond curricular requirements. More importance should be geared towards brain experience and strength. The successes of these efforts are important towards the growth and development of the child. Substance abuses together with their related problems have been centric to the concerns of the society in regar d to the problems in the health status as well as social behaviors. One of the major detriments to the society is the escalating number of deaths, prevalence of Aids, high expenses of treatment and care of the affected individuals, eroded talent potentials road accidents, high levels of criminal cases and abandoned children (Gartain, VIahov Galai, 1996). Substance Abuse Treatment in Juvenile Arrestees Essay Body Paragraphs Individual self destruction and involvement in acts of crimes have been linked to drug dependence. The use of marijuana for example results to some dangerous habits by the user, property destruction, theft, attack on persons and school dropout. Other drugs such as marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine among others result to even more advanced harmful effects resulting to illness low productivity, injury, disability and high risks of STDs, T.B, hepatitis and HIV. Cancer, damaged nervous system, brain damage and cell physiology are some advanced effects of substance abuse. The on set of substance abuse at juvenile develops behaviors which indicate mental disorders exhibiting â€Å"novelty-seeking† related behaviors (Gartain, VIahov Galai, 1996). Stigmatization related to substance abuse hinders any measures for their treatment. Identified Indicators Cirrhosis has been widely reported in individuals suffering of heavy drinking for a long span of time which is a cause of increased death rates in the society. Cirrhosis deaths have however declined as a result of alcoholism treatment and efforts of disease management coupled with high prices of alcoholic spirits (Shafter Philip, 1992). Cases of suicide, drug poisoning, psychosis and dependence have significantly been reduced by a reduction of drug abuse in terms of intensity, stage of indulgence and the number of people affected (Shafter Philip, 1992). The emergency department of the hospital receiving cases of drug abusers has reported cases of drug abusers due to dependence, gesture, committing suicide, psychic effects etc. The emergency department assists the affected person with screening as a basis for intervention and treatment to reduce future injuries as well as deaths of the victims. Violent related crimes such as rape, assault, robbery, among others have been associated with substance abuse, the most common being alcohol. Victims of violent among intimate partners have reported drug abuse as the primary cause of the offence (Shafter Philip, 1992). Status of DDHS’s Efforts Major efforts aimed at the prevention of cases of substance abuse in juvenile are contained in policy issues of raising the proportion of juvenile in transition to adulthood with alcohol and other drugs-free life. Their willpower is strengthened while upgrading their skills, awareness and attitudes against these substances and delaying the on set of any potential influence towards indulgence into substance abuse. There has been a significant decline in the proportion of young people in their secondary education phases who have abstained from use of drugs since their childhood. This is a positive achievement of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the motivating factor for Health People 2010 Campaign (Clemente, 2006). DHHS has concerted efforts geared towards success. Education for the purpose of enhancing awareness is healthy towards the behavior of individuals and groups as well as attitudes towards the substances abuse. Steps intervening the environmental changes towards difficulty in accessibility of the substances so commonly abuse are also healthy approaches. Further plans for DHHS are geared towards programs to the society and specific groups identified either as at high risk or at early stages of abuse to substances (Clemente, 2006). Efforts of DHHs and Health people 2010 compaign The efforts of DHHS target to reduce the rates of crimes, high cases of child abuse, high rates of juvenile arrests, enhanced public safety, low reported cases of homicides, gang violence and crimes to property. Most or all of these ills are caused by instances of substance abuse which are mostly prevalent in young people (Dorsman, 1998). The most significant consequences of substances abuse in school dropout who affects the future of the child and the overall society. The child’s future is associated with poverty which in essence is a direct cause of criminal activities. Juvenile arrests and imprisonment complicates the situation and it is never a solution to the problem. The circumstance imparts tolerance and adaptation to the negative side of life by the affected. This calls for early efforts towards prevention and treatment of substance abuse related disorders (Dorsman, 1998). Progress for DHHS’S efforts. Overt some past years there have been notable public safety which has been shown through research to be the most significant concern in people’s life. The use of various safety indicators reveals that poverty is related to incidences of crime to reduce poverty through awareness and reduction of substance abuse has therefore been an important contribution of DHHS’S efforts in the healthy people 2010 campaign. Public safety has essentially resulted to a good quality life and a significant reduction of cases of child abuse. At the same time rape cases, violent robbery, assault cases and homicide has drastically dec lined indicating potential positive influence of DHHS and the healthy people 2010 campaign (Hahn, 2006). Property crimes have also drastically declined with low cases of burglary, and thefts of motor vehicle parts. The arrests cases of Juvenile have declined by over 50 percent leading to a decline in felony offences. Cases of people killing others have also undergone significant shrinkage. Crimes conducted by gangsters have also decreased over the last five years. Research has established a positive properly established relationship between substance abuse and the use of drugs to incidences of crime. Data has revealed that about 50% of convicts in the systems holding criminal justice are potential drug users and substance abusers. Involvement in crime is a result of impairment in the capacity of the brain to make coherent judgment (Karch, 2006). More children have been able to concentrate in learning activities in schools significantly improving their academic grades. This has resul ted to reduced juvenile crimes and ultimately reduced juvenile arrests parents have been encouraged to involve their children in programs of health insurance, as well as proper nutrition which have resulted to improved health of young people (Strauss David 2001). DHHS also targets gang involvement in substance abuse, violence that results after substance abuse and the trade in illicit drugs. The weakening of gang cohesion is a significant solution to these problems. More efforts are required of law enforcement agents to track down and arrest the more advanced gangs to bring down the number of gang carried problems. DHHS has also made big contributions to advocate for the issue of driving licenses easiest at the age of 21 years. This helps to reduce the cases of juveniles who may be drunk to be involved in road accidents. This has brought about significant decline in drunk driving among young people (Karch, 2006). However in majority cases of juvenile arrestees, it has been reported that marijuana is on the verge of increase. Other substances that have been abused in juvenile arrestees include cocaine and methamphetamine whose urinalysis and interviews conduced revealed cases of up to 50 per cent of the total in mates are users of these drugs (Karch, 2006). Recommendations; Preventing Youth Drug Use The community is responsible to work with the youths on matters of substance abuse and the potential reduction initiatives. Community programs should be properly funded and their leadership streamlined to enhance and their development and success towards the stated objectives. The assessment of the use of a drug should be conducted at all the stages of the process with the aim of administering the right treatment (Karch, 2007). The intervention to individuals at the early stages of substance abuse should be a priority. The laws that regulate setting of alcoholic beverages to young people should be upheld and programs geared towards prevention from alcohol by the yo uth adequately funded such youth campaigns should also integrate the youth in policy issues and measures of enforcing the light practices that keep alcohol and young people apart (Karch, 2007). Youth organized in groups are of vital help to low enforcers’ efforts towards curbing the sales of alcoholic drinks and other illicit drugs to young people. The youth team’s campaigns can be vital tools towards public awareness and family habits that encourage behaviors towards alcohol consumption by young people. Conclusion Health people 2010 has also made great strides in enhancing the physical fitness, access to health child abuse, juvenile felony and arrests of juvenile in connection to armed crimes The escalated abuse of the substances by the juvenile created problems of school failure, mental and family problems. DHHS and Healthy People 2010 Campaign has had significant contribution towards the improvement of medical health and upgrading the justice system for the juvenile . DHHS and Health People 2010 campaign advocates for school programs with objectives of changing the influence of peers on drug abuse and increasing the will power of young people to resist peer pressure towards drugs. Peer leadership community participation and involving parents in the fight against substance abuse is part of their strategy. The department has also advocated counseling on improved motivations for upright norms and behaviors among the juvenile. To raise the awareness of the youth and the society at large, education and appropriate training is the most important strategy to address drug abuse. Alternative strategies include, diversity of activities among the youth, strengthen families, training parents building the confidence of the youth, building and mobilizing the community. We will write a custom essay sample on Substance Abuse Treatment in Juvenile Arrestees Essay Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Substance Abuse Treatment in Juvenile Arrestees Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Substance Abuse Treatment in Juvenile Arrestees Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

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